Free PDF Little Fires Everywhere
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Little Fires Everywhere
Free PDF Little Fires Everywhere
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Product details
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Audible Audiobook
Listening Length: 11 hours and 27 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Penguin Audio Release Date: September 12, 2017
Whispersync for Voice: Ready
Language: English, English
ASIN: B074F3BX79
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
I bought this based on the rave reviews. Half way through it I went back to check if I'd missed that it was YA. This whole book could've been a short story without losing a thing. It's been padded with uninteresting side plots, rambling, unnecessary back stories and more banal information about Shaker Heights than you can shake a stick at, not to mention photography. Without giving anything away, the topic is ageless and polarizing. Greek plays have been written on it. But, in this book it's presented over halfway through via characters other than what the first half of the book went on and on about. Unfortunately, the writing does not make up for any of this. I think teenage girls would enjoy it. I did not.
I closed this book shaking my head with mild confusion and disappointment. Instead of attempting to satisfactorily tie up the plot and corresponding plot lines, the author abandons readers with numerous unanswered questions--almost as though she'd been forced to put down the pencil at the end of the allocated time. Ms. Ng does a very credible job of developing a group of characters and getting the reader invested in their various plights in this Suburban Utopia, but at the end of it all, it's impossible to say that a single one of those characters underwent any meaningful change. Or any change at all! Nope. The story ends without any real resolution--which is an enormous negative. Of course, the author has selected a very full compliment of social injustices to inflict upon these characters: abortion, surrogate parenting, interracial adoption, interracial relationships, same gender relationships, oppressed immigrant versus governmental authority, as well as the "haves versus the have-nots"--all make a token appearance. Unfortunately, this ends up feeling contrived and very artificial, since none of characters undergo any meaningful growth or experience any new insight, at least not within the bounds of the book. I can understand the author's desire to make her book socially relevant by focusing on any of society's current hot button topics, but readers need to experience the ways that her characters change and grow due to the impact of those issues. When a story line is introduced, it needs to be followed through to some type of resolution, not just abandoned or ignored. I feel like I'm missing the second half of the book!
I really can't understand the hype of this book! Reading what I felt a middle school child wrote I was so bored with the shallow character development and overall story. Almost giving up I plodded along and it never got better. The end was just as disappointing as the beginning. Don't bother.....
I simply loved Everything I Never Told You. Even the title is great. But I was not so crazy, I'm sorry to say, about Little Fires Everywhere. I felt it was too forced, too contrived. Too much needed explanation and background, and then the points made were so blatant and in-your-face, I felt that the story was just an excuse to make these points (not that I disagreed with her, but it didn't feel like good, flowing, natural sounding story-telling). I'm sorry about this, as I couldn't wait to read another book by this author, as I thought her first book was genius.
I read the entire book but was sorry I did. Mia was made to be a hero, but I have no idea why. She was as lost and confused as Mrs. Richardson . Not only were the characters unrealistic the same could be said for the storyline.
I, and my book club are baffled by the reviews of this book. It is definitely for teens (maybe) and the storyline is unbelievable. The ending is awful too.
I hadn’t read a fiction book in and while and I saw this book listed on just about every recommendation.I am not even going to go into specific details about the book because I do not want to spoil it a bit for anyone—you just need to read it.I will say that between 20-100 pages, it was a little slow to read because there is A LOT of character building and detail BUT that pays off and it is necessary to the story and everything just falls into place.When you read this book, you are watching a story unfold and it’s thrilling and exciting. It’s such a great book. The storyline is excellent , it’s very detailed and it’s very well written. When the book ended, I wanted to read more but it was like...this just has to be how the STORY ends.I highly recommend this book.
I'd give this novel 4.5 stars. The first 100 pages (one-third of the total book) just cover a lot of character study and plot set-ups. Yes, I know some of that was later shown to be important, but I felt it went on too long. I was starting to lose a little interest but then...When the novel got to the crux of the story, it was really, really good. The plot focus about a Chinese baby abandoned at a fire station and the subsequent court battle when the single mother surfaces six months later to try to reclaim her daughter from the family in the process of adopting her, was really, really well done. All sorts of details are woven together in a terrific way.I loved how the author really paid attention to of the characters is a reporter on a second-rate weekly in Cleveland and she uses her reporting skills to dig up a lot of background on other characters. A less-skilled writer would have just had a character (who had never learned how to research) suddenly become an ace detective.I was up WAY too late finishing this book last night (really this early morning). The second two-thirds of the book are fascinating, thought-provoking and touching.I recently ordered the author's first novel on CD for an upcoming trip and I'm looking forward to it!
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